CNA accredited UCM’s Master’s Degree Program for four years

It is the Special Education and Psychopedagogy program, one of the pioneer postgraduate courses in the installation of advanced capacities on campus.
The Comision Nacional de Acreditacion (National Accreditation Commission) certified the quality of the Master in Special Education and Psychopedagogy of the Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM), through a ruling that will be valid until the end of 2026 and that was received with joy among the authorities of the campus.
“This is excellent news for our institution and the program team deserves it. The quality certification of the internal processes and their results not only consolidates this master’s degree, which is one with the longest trajectory in the University, but also projects all our programs towards a higher standard”, said UCM’s Postgraduate Director, Ph.D. Karina Vilches.
The campus, recognized for providing high-level educational options, offers a wide range of postgraduate programs, including 9 doctorates, 23 master’s degrees and 14 medical and health specialties, for which the application period will be open until the end of December.
“The resolution of the CNA is very relevant because it ensures quality in terms of the purposes that we have set ourselves as an institution and also allows postgraduate students to apply for state-funded scholarship funds,” added Vilches.
History of quality
Created in 2006, the Master in Special Education and Psychopedagogy of the UCM has been accredited twice for three years. Last October 12th, the commission reported a third accreditation, which added one year to the period.
He pointed out “They are academics who have national and international publications, who are linked to research centers or networks of researchers and who respond to the tradition in education of the UCM. This program is consistent with the irrefutable prestige of the University in teacher training”.